Arduino Nano and HC-05 Bluetooth module upload issue

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New Member
I'm trying to upload to arduino wirelessly without using usb cable, after looking through numerous tutorial online/youtube i still could not figure it out. I have changed the HC-05 to slave and set it at 57600 baud rate, and im following this tutorial but i could not achieve what was shown in the video:

I have attached a screenshot of the issue on arduino, and a drawing of my connection.
Any help will be much appreciated!!
Thank you


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Oh yes, sorry i misunderstood your question.

There are:
ATmega328P (Old Bootloader)

All does not work, gives the same error.
In the video the selected port is HC-05 but you've got COM11 selected.

Yup, COM11 to my bluetooth module .

Thank you so much for your quick response!!


  • ws.jpg
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How can it communicate when send and receive are on different ports?

Hmmm.. i'm not too sure.
I'm using windows, i do not have the same selection port as the one in the video.


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Rather than the video, take a look at the article, including the uddates

Did you do the first part...where he attaches the HC-05 and puts it into programming mode, changes the baud rate (for programming) and the password - all using a term and an FTDI board?

You may also want to first make sure that you can pair with and communicate with the HC-05 without the Arduino at all. There are terminal programs just for this purpose, like this one

On an Android tablet, I have used this one many times

I'm not sure that you have this first part done right.
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