No Wesley what I regard as a rant is " do you think i'm a mind reader ? " remember that one do you ? you have been very selective in what you have reproduced...
I'm not sure what you're reading Gary, but there are 2 of my
"mind reader" comments shown in the Post - In fact, it's the FULL text of the email message, with not
"selective" about it.
Maybe, you should read my post again, before stating that I failed to include them!!!
- Or, do nothing, and continue to claim that Black is White.
It reminds me of your claims in multiple Forums that I just disappeared, as an explanation of why you needed help from other. No where did you claim at that point that it was my behaviour towards you. In fact, your email, which is there in Black-and-White for all to see shows that you ended the relationship. That suggests that you have Alternate Facts, depending on what suits you. All I do is quote what happened. Not once have you provided any 'evidence'.
Gary, I understand that you're upset about the money you believe you wasted on the Arduino Nano Microcontrollers and their I/O Shields.
So, what about a Challenge Gary?
How about you provide
quotes from any of our 430 email exchanges, where I talked a
Reluctant Gary to into going with Arduino MicroControllers, against his stated preference for a different solution (Such as the MegaPoints or SC1), that you
stated at that time was the solution that you preferred???
If you can, then I will PAY for the Arduino Nano devices and Arduino Shields. If you send me pictures of smashed Arduino devices, I will send the money to your PayPal account. No need to post them to me.
How about that???
Gary, it's time to put up, or shut up.
I think I'm as safe as houses, because Gmail shows me that...
On 5 February 2017 at 15:50, gary donaldson < email address removed to protect Gary's privacy > wrote:
Hi Wes ... I have been thinking about signalling again after a saw one of Rudy's videos where he uses an Arduino for signal control within TC, I know what an Arduino is and some of what it can do but had'nt realised that they can be used for signal control of both colour lights and Semaphores ( although i'm thinking it would be perhaps better to have 2 with one for colour lights and the other for RC servo operated Semaphores ) they are cheap much much cheaper than things such as the Signallist SC1 or it's even more expensive brother which is aimed at Semaphores in short the Arduino be no more than £20.00 with some of the other options coming in at up to £150.00 it would most likely produce more headaches going the Arduino route rather than the ready made route but with things in this country getting rapidly worse every penny I can save from now on is a Penny I can use to just live .I would appreciate your thoughts on both the track issue and the Signal control one , regards , Gary .
Gary, that's you, saying that you got the Arduino idea from
"one of Rudy's videos where he uses an Arduino for signal control within TC". All this time you have been blaming
me for the Arduino solution. Your words seem to show that your current statements about where Arduino devices came from, are actually (To use a Trumpism)
'Alternate Facts'.
Gary, that's also you, saying to me that the SC1 was much more expensive than you believe you can afford to pay. You also stated that there would be
"headaches going the Arduino route rather than the ready made route but with things in this country getting rapidly worse every penny I can save from now on is a Penny I can use to just live."
So, you
expected there would be
"headaches", but that the
cost was a much more important factor in
your decision to go with an Arduino Solution.