We have been running some tests using the 320x240 tft screen as below, to which w e have added a 3v3 regulator and pot dividers on the signal lines.
Have loaded in the Adafruit libraries and run their Graphictests.ino on the Uno without any problem.
We could not get the TFTs onboard SD card to work, but had a little sd card board with its own regulator and signal converter chip and it also works fine and were able to run the spitftbitmap ino and load a sd card bmp image to the screen ok.
As the our main project is on the Mega with ran the code on it with all the SPI lines move over to mega pins 50-53 plus D/C and RST.
When we run the graphics test it works, but is about 6 times slower than the Uno ?
When we run the bitmap is appears to load the image from the sd card but nothing displays ?
Any ideas why these are not working on the Mega2560 ...?

We have been running some tests using the 320x240 tft screen as below, to which w e have added a 3v3 regulator and pot dividers on the signal lines.
Have loaded in the Adafruit libraries and run their Graphictests.ino on the Uno without any problem.
We could not get the TFTs onboard SD card to work, but had a little sd card board with its own regulator and signal converter chip and it also works fine and were able to run the spitftbitmap ino and load a sd card bmp image to the screen ok.
As the our main project is on the Mega with ran the code on it with all the SPI lines move over to mega pins 50-53 plus D/C and RST.
When we run the graphics test it works, but is about 6 times slower than the Uno ?
When we run the bitmap is appears to load the image from the sd card but nothing displays ?
Any ideas why these are not working on the Mega2560 ...?