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Well-Known Member
Ok im looking at this page:

and even on the ARM site has same info...

I though SWD was basically a 2 wire thing ? SWO and SWCLK and of course RESET and POWER PINS... so whats with


? i know to use SWDCLK but which one of the other 2 do i use ?

SWO or SDWIO ? i bet its the SDWIO but not sure and dont want to make a PCB for nothing
You think based on that side and its pinout and this pinout i made, should i be ok ? its a smt part so dont really want to solder and desolder...

Their image:
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My Schematic:

I know there is a typo in the name heh


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Ground 3, 5, 7, and 9. Connect 6 (SWO) to 3.3V with resistor (pull up). Leave 8 floating. Pullup reset. I've been using a reset supervisor as well, but not really needed.
Ok here is what i have so far:

This is my layout so far.. still working on it... might try to make it smaller and add some stuff

This MCU has internal Pullups and Pull Downs for most of the JTAG and SWD pins... that is cool! i wish NXP had that.


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ok so far i think im done. I have to send this PCB to get made now going to wait until monday tho. just in case i read something and want to add or remove something

I added a UART to USB (CP2102) IC and will use solder jumpers to connect the RX,TX lines .. just in case i dont use them i can desolder it...


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i get bored as you can tell... i added a MMA7660FC which is a 3-Axis Orientation/Motion Detection Sensor or as we all know it "XYZ-AXIS ACCELEROMETER"

Also a reset button. I also fixed the SWD... i forgot to connect the ground and stuff

Also i uploaded the schematic and board file in Eagle Format for those who want it...


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Ya, this was my LPC one. Single sided, but there is a bunch of jumpers.

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Looks so pretty whats that behind it... uses I2C i think...

Ah thanks. i knew i forgot the caps

Edit: Ok added 5 caps. 4 for power pins on MCU and 1 for MMA7660 IC... The CP2102 already has its own caps...
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For some reason i cant go advanced in edit mode so here is new eagle stuff


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Ah! cool. I have no use for that kind of toy but seems cool!

By any chance you think this is a popular ST IC ? Talking about the STM32F103CB .... its about $10... i know pricy! but looks like it has tons of features including remapping and stuff... like 7 DMA channels i think.. its cool... I ask because when i send to make this PCB i get 3 of them as a set. So i will have 2 extra. I wouldnt mind selling the others or actually populating them and selling it like that.

Not sure if it would just be a waste tho
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I've not touched the STM32's, so I have no idea how popular it is. LPC and Stellaris is all I've used.
ah. I have some LPC1313 here about 3 and some LPC2103,LPC2101 and i think a LPC2106 heh... tons of toys and no time to play with it all but soon!

Its more of a money issue than time but hopefully soon that will change...
Hey Mark im making a PCB for some of my LPC mcu's what would you recommend on it besides the normal


SWD Adapter
Complete Pin Outputs
Crystal and Caps
Power LED
USB (it has it available) Might use it just for power and solder jumper if want to connect to mcu
My breakout board for MCU's are bare bones. My LPC1752 has the most stuff on it, just because it has more peripherals. USB, CAN, and a 32k timer crystal, otherwise I don't put anything on the board that I already have another breakout for.
I try my best to minimize breadboard usage. If i can fit it on a PCB it will go in
I just noticed the LPC1313 isnt the USB version which is fine. I added a CP2102 for USB connectivity. Might just take your advice and leave it bare with only SWD and CAPS and some nice LABELS for the names heh
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