Around the world

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Hello everyone,

I believe that everyone in this section is interested in robotics. I found a competition going on about robotic held by IIT. For further information about this competition refer to this website:

This was recently posted in our university. I am not sure what is required to participate. Therefore, Don't ask me or blame me for posting this Just wanted to share things going around the world.

Best regards,
I can say the competition will be held in DUbai and Sirlanka and the winner will be given free ticket to go to IIT for the purpose of challenging the world best robot builder. some of the countries that is participating USA, UAE, Iran, India, Sir lanka and other ...
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Hello again,

I guess no one will participate in this event.

Here is thing, I narrow things down to 4 choices which one you think is easier to contract and program?

1- Robot that walk (2leg, 3leg ...) There is a white tape that guide the robot
2- Micro mouse ( Going through maze and finishing it in a record time) autonomous
3- A car that jump from 50cm height and then go into a muddy terrain and finally you have stop place modify the care and finally it go into water. ( Wireless Remote control)
4- Building a Rolly coaster ( Pure mechanical)

Please select a project for me base on possibility to finish it before 8 Dec 2008 If you l
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Micromouse sounds easiest to me, but it might be harder to win because of that.
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Thanks dknguyen,

I will go with the Robot leg know as arthrobot. This robot must walk in a path where obsticales are place.
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There is a black tape in the middle where the robot must used it to guide itself through the path.

My first task is to find the latest technology for following black tape. I know there is alot of line follower robot but I am interested in the latest technology.

Q1> Can you give me good links where I can buy or learn about line follower robot? How to program and different things?

Thanks in advance
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