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0x04 is EOT, a control character that denotes end of trasmission. Captial A is 0x41 in ASCII.
Anyway from the text it seems to me like this:
1: read a byte from an address (2000 at the beginning)
2: if byte_read is equal to 0x04 jump to end
3: add parity bit to byte_read
4: store the byte to the same address from which you read it
5: increment address
6: goto 1

this is flowchart should be included and followed this


  • photo(5).JPG
    2.8 MB · Views: 147
Where did the 0100 come from? So you need to check first that the block ends with EOT and then start the conversion?
0100 is A in binary which is 4 which is EOT, why should the data block start with end of transmission? You really are not making much sense.
The way I see it after the button is pressed you should immediately start reading a byte from location 2000 and utill the byte you read is 4 you keep on doing the loop.

well this was given by the instructor
this is what we have for 2nd part
as wee will check the program separately on the machine
this is not complete, confuse on what the next instruction should be after [A]<-[A]^7F


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    2.6 MB · Views: 129
HL is the 16bit address of the byte you want to load, and you load the data that lies at that address into A. You need to increment the whole register, else the L could overflow and you will end up at a wrong address.
HL is the 16bit address of the byte you want to load, and you load the data that lies at that address into A. You need to increment the whole register, else the L could overflow and you will end up at a wrong address.

before putting Hl into A
I need to inx hL right?
Quit similar tinge 1st one
And what shud be used for Delay
Since we have to show Fail for 20 sec total if 3 times to make it 2 minute exact
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