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Not sure what to make of this.
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  • quiz.pdf
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You people are just to normal! Here is mine.

ErikG: My wife's is allmost like yours! Except her fave saying is: Perfect is good enough! (Spooky, Dame Edna)



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I think it's intriguing to compare ourselves with others sharing a common profession/future career/hobby which has initially brought us together, seeing how we differ in other aspects outside of this mutual interest.

However, it doesn't really matter which group of similarly-inclined people take these tests and post graphs, there will probably be roughly the same mixture of different results.

We are all drawn toward something and if that something is also what we really enjoy doing, or have become most familiar with, we are inclined to pay more attention to it at the expense of other things.

To an extent, we are basically all born the same * and it is our inherited genes and the experiences in our formative years * which shape our own future. (* the likes of crack babies dependant before being born and abusive childhood experiences aside, etc.)

We all have a large capability to learn. Whether that capability is encouraged or inhibited, depends upon the life-experiences of our parents, teachers, peers and that of our own ambitions.

If the knowlege is lacking, so is the training, but that is where the obsessives and compulsives have overcome and figured out solutions to obscure problems.

Without those of you with very spikey points in your graphs, we might not be where we are today......

Don't let someone with a framed certificate on a wall tell you that you have some form of 'condition'.

We are all normal in some kind of way...some are better than normal and more focused.

However, it doesn't really matter which group of similarly-inclined people take these tests and post graphs, there will probably be roughly the same mixture of different results.

Well at this point apparently 32 people have looked at Sceads link and 7 of us have shown our actual results.

So what did the other 25 get that made them unwilling to show what they scored?
And who where they?

Does that mean the 78% of those who come to the chat room areas are testing unstable or ....

I actually was a bit ambiguous about the whole thing. I speculated the results could be skewed by hitting down the center on the questions. I think that an age reference to the questions should be obtained as each person will develop differently and will be more tolerant possibly as the age or by experiences. These results could change over time. They are really quite vague.

Edit: I have thought and felt differently all through my life and how I'm thinking now as pertaining to a more rational mind vs how I was as a child or teenager.

Some people may think more about the questions as if pertaining through their whole lifetime; instead of answering them pertaining as to how they are at this moment in their lives.
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Why have I wasted half an hour on this thing?



  • Aspie thingy.PNG
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Birdman, sure you weren't tweaking your answers? I've never seen anyone score that high on the NT side =) I'm sure some users will post random results or not take the time to seriously just think about the questions and answer them as accurately at they think they can. None of the results surprise me really, though I would like to see more people's quiz results out of curiosity.

The test doesn't 'mean' anything, it's not a diagnostic tool, though the results being garnered by it are kept in an attempt to further develop the test to make it useful as a diagnostic aid. It's feedback on traits that an individual has. I was curious because a neighbor of mine has a child with genetic Aspergers syndrome and his Mother said with a post I made to her on Facebook a ways back that I was showing my Aspie side, was surprised after I did some research on Aspergers and seeing a LOT of common traits with people that have Aspergers to find the 'Aspie' community, because it's not understood very well right now.

How far right my 'bubble' shows up after I did some research, helps explain a lot of things, I've always been an oddball and was barely functional socially in school and still have trouble mostly with Alpha Male NT's and novel social situations, too much going on and my ability to respond nearly shuts down, at least in the real world =) I've stated in the forums multiple times that I'm flicker sensitive and sometimes have issues with stereo phase shifts and I think a few people may remember a rant or two here and there about harmonics which is one of my stronger traits of 'seeing patterns everywhere' all little traits that most people find 'quirky' in an individual, such as my fascination with spinning objects such as coins tops or odd shaped objects spinning with complex patterns.

Actually TCMtech you absolutely would not find an equal distribution of different responses, Aspie traits are not common, and while all those graphs look different the main thing it tells your traits compared to NT or Aspie, the other categories are nothing more than that different question sets to normalize the Aspie Vs NT variances in specific categories as there is no one category that can define Aspie vs NT it's the collaboration of them all which create the overall NT leaning or Aspie leaning. There was a LARGE amount of time spent on developing that test. The few results given here is FAR too small a dataset to get any real information from. The rounder bubbles are 'well blended' people. The spikes you see on some are from specific personality traits or possible life events that have shaped that particular response far beyond the bounds of the 'typical' bubble, doesn't mean anything it's kind of like

There also is no such thing as 'unstable' or 'good' or 'bad' in this kind of test, if taken in good faith and with honest results it simply shows general personality traits that can help a person, or people that deal with that person understand their natural inclinations in situations where an NT or an Aspie will react very differently to the same situation. If you really want to get into it follow some of the links from the Aspie-Quiz page, The "Wrong Planet" forum I wouldn't recommend for anyone that tests strongly NT as it's primarily run by people with heavy Aspie traits though it's a good resources for NT's that have NT/Aspie relationships as NTs and Aspies work VERY differently in relationships. My Aspie traits are weak enough that I've managed to remain a somewhat stable individual I don't think anyone testing heavily Aspie over the score that I got would frequent a forum like this, if they do they'll have very.. odd traits.

As far as NT vs Aspie goes the interesting thing is the problems an Aspie has socially don't exist online, so you'd never be able to tell except by other personality quirks (such as my odder rants)

Everyone captured their image, but no one wrote down what their NT vs Aspie score was. Everyone but CanadaElk and I tested with some strong NT traits. CanadaElk's much lower Hunting and Communication Aspie traits probably means you wouldn't think he was particularly odd in person, though his NT social skills are lower than mine. I have made great efforts even if they result in the typical Aspie awkwardness for increasing my social skills =) I'd almost wonder if CanadaElk was deaf or mute or had some other reason for having a low communication rating on both sides? Just a stab in the dark.

Good point Killivolt, a precursor to take the quiz to establish a basic frame of mind for answering the questions would probably give much more ballanced results.

Pretty simple rules really, make sure your sober and fully awake without a lot of distractions Don't think about the questions to long and don't think about the results because it's not a test so much as it is a way to collect information about your responses and present you with feedback on understanding how you as a person are inherently keyed to react in various situations.

I think most NT's reactions to an Aspie in the real world (hard NT's vs hard Aspies) is much like a hearing person would have when encountering a deaf person without understanding you could lose your hearing, the hearing person would yell louder and louder and get angry and upset that the person couldn't understand or wouldn't react to what they were saying while the deaf person would look confused as hell, scared and then eventually be afraid because they had no way to adequately communicate to the other person.

This is what an Aspie feels in a room of people that have hard NT traits, they can not process what is going on and hence can't respond and are because they do not follow social normals either shunned, or simply unable to take part as a normal person might.
JimB, pure curiosity =) The hardest thing about these quizs is the reason there are so many questions is for statistical normalization, anything less than the 150 or so there are and you'd lose information in the random noise, especially with the multiple categories,. There are probably longer ones.... with more categories, but good luck getting a large portion of peopel to take it. This quiz is a best effort to encompase as many Aspie/NT traits and provide statistically normalized data in as few questions as possible and to provide the quiz to as many people as possible to increase the dataset to further normalize the test-weighting and questions so that it can be used to further study the depth and breadth of Autism Spectrum Disorders as a whole.
well since you asked.

Your Aspie score: 30 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 172 of 200
You are very likely neurotypical

FYI, it took me about 8 minutes to do the test.
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Good point Killivolt, a precursor to take the quiz to establish a basic frame of mind for answering the questions would probably give much more ballanced results.

If anyone has taken the test looking at things in retrospect of their hole life I think it should be re-taken. They should be answered with the intent as pertaining to recent or near recent.
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