Having a "Seniors Moment", could somebody please confirm I've got this right for the 16F1827 - clearing the GPR's without doing the clrf xxxx ad infinitum at the begining of the program:-
movlw LOW 0x20 ; initialize pointer
movwf FSR0L ; to RAM
movlw HIGH 0x20 ; initialize pointer
movwf FSR0H ; to RAM
clrf INDF0 ; clear INDF register
incf FSR0L ; inc pointer
btfss FSR0L,7 ; all done?
goto next; no clear next
; yes continue
I assume that you want to clear everything between 0x0020 and 0x007F
If you are using the registers in banks 1 - 6 (higher banks don't have any general purpose registers) then you need to repeat with different starting values for FSR0L and FSR0H.
You cannot keep going beyond 0x7F because that will end up in bank 1 and it will start clearing the special function registers including FSR0L itself. For bank 1 you would need to start again with FSR0L = 0xA0
You should be able to run that code on the Microchip simulator. You can fill the registers with random data before running the simulation to check that it's all getting cleared.
I've just seen that you can clear the registers in the range 0x20 - 0x6F for all banks by using the linear memory model. All those registers are accessible using indirect address, in the range 0x2000 - 0x29AF
As there are only 6 1/2 banks of memory that are implemented, you wouldn't need to go all the way to 0x29AF.
The access registers, 0x70 - 0x7F, are not in the linear memory model and would have to be cleared separately.
Must admit, I originally moved to the 16F1827 (a good many years ago) specifically because of the linear memory option - it was for a GSM project for a friend (who I now work with), and I wanted to be able to receive an entire text message in a buffer, and process it after reception.
Just had a quick dig, and managed to find the original assembler code from 2011
Here's my routine for clearing the buffer, Buff_Size was obviously 240.
banksel 0x00 ; ensure bank 0
movlw Buff_Size
movwf count ; set number of bytes to clear
movlw high Buff
movwf FSR0H ; set buffer address
movlw low Buff
movwf FSR0L
BuffLoop clrw
movwi FSR0++ ; clear each GPR in turn
decfsz count, f ; check if all cleared
bra BuffLoop