The only micro I have any knowledge of is low/mid range pic, and it's not much knowledge at that. The system is intended to be able to control motors to adjust the radiators, and be connected to a PC which would log data and provide centralised control (my son is the programmer of the family so he can do that bit!). So I was thinking each room could have a little card with sensor, little 8 leg micro, small battery, room control and a single wire port to communicate with the rest of the system. Possibly LCD if it gets very fancy. One of the cards would be master, with a micro with more i/o, and talk to each room card and to the PC. (**thinks** could actually daisy chain these and eliminate master) The communications would only take place every half hour or so, and each card would still control its radiator even if it was out of the loop. The really fancy version would be able to display room temperature, humidity, pipe soothing music and play with the children...
It all sounds a bit mad I know, but it's the best way I could think of to provide what he wants - individual room heating controls, controlled by a PC (the system could also eventually extend to control the boiler too) and giving good noise immunity, at reasonably low cost. I looked at 1 wire and decided it wasn't really suitable.
I know there are lots of issues with the system (like radiator valve position), but it is very early days with it and it's currently shelved anyway, as is pretty much everything interesting
(My initial reaction was to tell him to fit thermostatic radiator valves, but he has and he's not happy with them. Meh.)
So anyways, micro is Some Kind Of PIC and compiler would be mplabx, though I expect there are cheaper/more appropriate micros I could use, I just don't know what there is. (suggestions?)
Thanks for taking an interest