AT command pic

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New Member
Dear friends
m designing a gsm modem based vehicle theft alert which if the door is opened u will get the message on ur mobile abt theft.

now i want to send back message to controller to stop the engine.uptill this step i have done the coding.
now the problem arises that i want my controller to detect only one mobile number thru which stop engine command has to get activated..and not thru any other mobile number.

wht AT command to use for this?

There isn't an AT command for this.

If the GSM modem is answering a call, you can have Caller Line Identification turned on (AT+CLIP=1) and then your processor remembers which number the call came from.

If you are using a text message, you can work out the telephone number that sent the text message when you read it.

This is fine until the phone authorised to stop the car is in the car when it is stolen.

In the UK it isn't legal to have remote immobilisers on cars. The poor thieves might get hurt.

However, it OK for the authorities to stop cars when the drivers have made a mistake.
I would have though the easiest way would be to send a specific text message to the car, as a password that the processor checks for.
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