AT91SAM7 Programming

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I just started a uC class in which we're learning about the Atmel ARM7 AT91SAM7 series. Id like to pick up an evaluation board, probably with a SAM7S256 on it.

But how do you program it? I saw a few mentions of things like JTAG ICE and such, but they all connected to a parallel port, which I dont have. Does anyone have a good recommendation on a USB programmer?
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SparkFun Electronics - JTAG USB OCD Tiny - Programmer/Debugger for ARM processors

There is also an -H version now which is supposed to be faster. I am using it with Crossworks, but it also works with OpenOCD. Not certain if OpenOCD supports the -H version.

Hey, I live in Pickering, if you can drop by you can have one of my old devel boards. I don't use the SAM7 anymore and have been using the newer Coretex-M3 and M0 stuff exclusively now. It's this one:
SparkFun Electronics - Header Board Atmel SAM7-256
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