Atmega 32A programming help

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hi friends,
i'm a complete newbee to microcontrollers and their interfacing.i wanted to make a cellphone operated robot and i'm stuck with Atmega32A microcontroller programming.Please suggest me some programmer and programming software for Atmega32A microconroller.
waiting for your help...........
There are many programmers for the ATMEL AVR Controllers on the market.
I think the best Idea ist to use the original ATMEL AVR ISP MKII.
As software you can use then AVR STUDIO 4. Unter the Tools you can find the Menu "Programm the AVR" Chose there your used Programmer and you can setup and Programm your controller.
Most People i know use in system programming for the AVR Chips.
Therefore must be connected MISO, MOSI, SCK, Reset, GND and +5V from controller and programmer together.
At some chips e.g. ATMEGA128 would be used other pins for ISP Programming!

Also you can use a JTAG Interface, or High Voltage parallel programming to put your Programm into the chip.

Most Compilers have own programm download software included. You can use it too, when the used programing hardware was suported.
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reach out
and he has a ready made USB programer. It also supports ATMEL89S5x series
Hope this serves your needs. Otherwise you need to make a comport based programmer at home using the schematic from

the serial version has facility to work either from derived Vcc or external Vcc.
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Thankyou to mvs sarma and wkrug.I just tried the circuit shown in ponyprog using parallel port.i have a doubt .does it require any external power supply for the microcontroller and is it necessary to place the oscillator of 4Mhz.please help me with complete description about connections.i used the following circuit diagram**broken link removed**
Newer Programmers use a 6 pin Female Header for ISP Programming.
So you have to Install a 6Pin Male Header on your PCB.
That save Place on the PCB and is compatible to the AVR ISP II.
Pin - Signal
2= +5V
3= SCK

I know the Ponyprog Programm, it was my first programming tool, but the support is out of time.
Newer Versions of the AVR Controllers will not be supported.
VISTA or Windows 7 support ??? not shure.

I'll suggest you to use a USB Programming Interface, because newer PC's and Laptops have in Future no more serial or parallel Ports.

The newest Version of AVR Studio 5 has an integrated C-Compiler, but it needs very much system Resources and is very complicated. I use AVR Studio 4 at time.
Well said. has usbasp programmer they have implemented software USB in either ATmega8 or ATmega88 chip and the programmer is working fine. needed firmware is given there.
later some enthusiasts made changes to firmware to accommodate atmel89S5x also into that without any hardware changes.
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For a awhile I have been away.Searching about what you have said i found it's too costly(for my budget).so can you please suggest me a simple and cost effective Programmer so that i can make it at home.I have both serial port and parallel port.I already made the circuit above but it is not working please help me......... thanks in advance
And one more doubt.Are atmega32 and atmega32A similar.i.e. can they be programmed in similar way.can i burn the hex file created for atmega32 to atmega32A.thanks once again

let us examine how it becomes costly?
the loading firmware is free. the chip ATMEGA8L is sold below 100/- usb socket and pcb and few components including crystal should not cost you more than say Rs100. Yes, you have to make a PCB of course.
All said you get your programmer working for Rs 250 or below.If you still can't or don't want to spend,
Let me think to suggest you a serial loader or some such thing.

PS:i remember i had already suggested this link to you you have to use the first element and one of the remaining elements to suite the chip you are programming.
it is the cheapest option. All the best.
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And one more doubt.Are atmega32 and atmega32A similar.i.e. can they be programmed in similar way.can i burn the hex file created for atmega32 to atmega32A.thanks once again

please try to study datasheets, - an advise i am not supposed to give , LoL
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The easyest i know is a parallel port programmer.
It consists only from a Port Connector an a few bridges there.
But there is no Protection for the parallel Port.

A quite cheap solution for USB is this one
I'v no experience with this programmer.

For all programmers you have to search for a software that fits to the programmer.
With AVR Studio or Ponyprog you can operate nearly every programmer.
Nice item wkrug.
Its landing cost works to around 25 Euros and as per our currency it should amount IN Rs25*70=Rs1750/- but if he can spend Rs250, he can make a decent USB based Programmer sitting at home. the whole issue , as I understand, it is of one time job for him to lad after which he might never need it. Perhaps the best for him is too use a facility at his college or University. get it done and forget.

even the si-prog is so simple with internal derived power from com port, that he could breadboard, test and plug the chip load and forget.
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You can buy a USB programmer from eBay, prices starting from just $5. Search for "avr programmer". I have one of those and it works great.
You can use Atmel Studio 6.2 or any other IDE along with USBasp Programmer. Insted of wasting time and writing things back again. Here are bunch of great tutorial page and YouTube channel with great deal of details. (STEP-BY-STEP GUIDE)

YouTube Channel:

Tutorials Series:

I hope all this could you help you to learn programming AVR Microcontroller.

Have a Fun Microcontroller......Happy Programming

Good Luck
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