Atmega , AVR , Proteus help

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I'm going to build a project using atmega32. Now the thing is I'm accustomed using 8051. Am completely new with Avr. I browsed through webpages for info. Found out pretty decent things; using Winavr for compiling and avr studio for putting it on board.
Also got information about using Proteus ISIS.
Now, I'm confused about the thing that do i need 'Avr studio + Win avr combo' or proteus is enough for developing a successful project??
Basically i'm unclear about the use of Proteus..

AVRStudio + Win AVR is the programming environment, Proteus is a simulator, and a VERY expensive one I might add. AVRSTudio + WinAVR is all you need for development, does Proteus even provide an IDE for programming? I assumed you simply loaded hex code into it that you compiled from an external IDE.
Protues HAS an onboard IDE programming suite VSM studio (I think it used to belong to microchip ) it requires the relevant compilier / assembler to be present.

Have you looked at Oshonsoft? its an AVR simulator as well as pic... you can assemble and run in their environment.
Thanks. Now i get it. I actually need Proteus to check the circuit. I'd choose to do the things in Avrstudio only.
Thanks i'd be downloading this one. It seems for user-friendly. Without the need of compiler. The screenshots explains a lot
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