Ok here’s my dilemma...... I bought this Chinese welder for $300 on e*^%. ( not bad to get into a welding outfit). I upgraded the leads and did some other modifications,ie; copper leads to the control board(copper instead of aluminum), but the thing is, during my modifications, I dropped a piece of screw on the main board and fired it up. Not sure if it fried the board or not or fried a switch. Plastic 15 amp switches. Or the board. Nothing on the boards look burnt (I checked them all. Out and back in. ) I’m planning on buying another welder just like this one for parts and I can get into it for another $200 and the price drops everyday. Also I’m learning electronics and what to see if I can diagnose and fix it myself. I have testing equipment(and basic knowledge of electronic, plus mm, ocilliscope,) nothing burnt, anywhere. I have updated switches and will keep you informed as to my progress. In the meantime, any help would be greatly appreciated.