Attachments not all showing.

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If I go to the User Control Panel and click on attachments I am informed that I have uploaded 212 attachments. However, when I go to manage attachments (below in advanced) I only see 20 of them whereas before I saw all 212.

I wanted to attach an earlier image to a current post but can no longer do that.

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It works for me.

Have you had a brainfart?


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Actually, just looked and it seems to be fixed. It would be nice if someone confirmed it was a problem.

I hate it when a problem gets fixed and everyone denies it ever existed.

Hi Pommie,

There have been no changes over the last couple of days. The only thing I can think of is that page was maybe cached by your browser and it just refreshed.

Hi EM,

That's very strange as it can't have been cached as the page didn't exist when I had 20 attachments (5 ish years ago). Having looked again it appears that the thing that was wrong was it failed to display the text "page 1 of 11" and the navigation arrows.

Anyway, it's working fine now so all's well.

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