ATtiny gone mad...again: Am I out of Flash?

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New Member
I'm starting to have the same trouble programming this ATtiny12 that I had 1 week ago. This time it's only with Flash verification.

Things have be going good until just about an hour ago. Now, whenever I upload a program to target board, I get the message "WARNING: Flash contents differ from file...FAILED!" in the history/dialog box. I tried the chip erase that solved my problems last time, but it doesn't work.

I ran a verify and downloaded the flash contents in search of a mis-match. Reading the disassembler, I saw the first 9 instructions are completely wrong. Also, the disassembler cuts off the program at 511 bytes while AVR studio said I still had ~another 512 remaining. I see instructions are 2 bytes instead of 1, so I think the 512 figure is incorrect and I may be out of Flash. Can anyone confirm this?

It has a write endurance of 1000 writes, but I've only used about 60 of them. It looks awefully like I ran out of flash, but AVR Studio says I've only used 51.8%. What's the big idea here? :?
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