Hello ETO Forum,
Have read several articles on installing support for the ATtiny
ATtiny85 microcontroller tutorials, Part 2: Working with ATtiny85
Still having issues with getting the IDE to recognize the programmer.
Running Window 11 and the Arduino IDE 2.0.4 and using
a SparkFun Tiny AVR Programmer
Using the tutorial at
In the Arduino IDE at Preferences the URL
was added to tthe Additional Board Manager URL textbox
Then at the Boards Manager in Tools > Board > Board Manager the attiny by Davos A. Mellis was installed.
Then at Tools > Board > ATtiny > AtTiny/25/45/85 was chosen
The 8 Mhz internal clock was chosen and the Programmer was set as USBTinyISP.
But the Arduino IDE at the bottom right says "ATTiny/25/45/85 not connected.
And the Tools > Port option is greyed out.
At Windows Device Manager when the S rkFun Tiny AVR Programmer (with a ATtiny 85 on the board)
is plugged in, under Other Devices a listing for FabISP can be seen which disappears the board is unplugged.
Similarly, and to eliminate the cable and the USB port as points of failure,
when an Arduino Uno is hooked up to the
PC the status bar at the lower right
in the Arduino IDE says "Arduino Uno on COM9" and the is a listing in the Device Manager
Ports (COM & LPT) > Arduino Un0 (COM9) which disappears when the board is disconnected>
It is surmised that because the Device Manager sees FabISP
and the the FabISP is not listed in the Tools > Pro0grammer options that
this the failure.
Programmer options tried: Arduino as ASP, ArduinoISP, AVRISP, AVRISPmkll, USBASP, and
How can I get the IDE to recognize the Tiny AVR Programmer?
Allen Pitts
Dallas Texas
Have read several articles on installing support for the ATtiny
ATtiny85 microcontroller tutorials, Part 2: Working with ATtiny85
Still having issues with getting the IDE to recognize the programmer.
Running Window 11 and the Arduino IDE 2.0.4 and using
AVR 8 Pin 20MHz 8K 4A/D - ATtiny85 - COM-09378 - SparkFun Electronics
Atmel's itty-bitty ATtiny85 8-Bit Processor. 8K of program space, 6 I/O lines, and 4-channel 10 bit ADC. Runs up to 20MHz with external crystal. Package ca

a SparkFun Tiny AVR Programmer
Tiny AVR Programmer - PGM-11801 - SparkFun Electronics
The ATtiny45 and 85 are a couple of really cool little MCUs but did you know you can program them in Arduino? That's right, now you can shrink your Arduino

Programming an ATtiny w/ Arduino 1.6 (or 1.0)
This tutorial shows you how to program an ATtiny45, ATtiny85, ATtiny44 or ATtiny84 microcontroller using the Arduino software. These are small, cheap ($2-3) microcontrollers that are convenient for…
was added to tthe Additional Board Manager URL textbox
Then at the Boards Manager in Tools > Board > Board Manager the attiny by Davos A. Mellis was installed.
Then at Tools > Board > ATtiny > AtTiny/25/45/85 was chosen
The 8 Mhz internal clock was chosen and the Programmer was set as USBTinyISP.
But the Arduino IDE at the bottom right says "ATTiny/25/45/85 not connected.
And the Tools > Port option is greyed out.
At Windows Device Manager when the S rkFun Tiny AVR Programmer (with a ATtiny 85 on the board)
is plugged in, under Other Devices a listing for FabISP can be seen which disappears the board is unplugged.
Similarly, and to eliminate the cable and the USB port as points of failure,
when an Arduino Uno is hooked up to the
PC the status bar at the lower right
in the Arduino IDE says "Arduino Uno on COM9" and the is a listing in the Device Manager
Ports (COM & LPT) > Arduino Un0 (COM9) which disappears when the board is disconnected>
It is surmised that because the Device Manager sees FabISP
and the the FabISP is not listed in the Tools > Pro0grammer options that
this the failure.
Programmer options tried: Arduino as ASP, ArduinoISP, AVRISP, AVRISPmkll, USBASP, and
How can I get the IDE to recognize the Tiny AVR Programmer?
Allen Pitts
Dallas Texas