audio ampilfier with lm386

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this pdf is pspice schematic of audio amplifier.


  • LM386 audio amplifier
    442.7 KB · Views: 2,713
The Yahoo LTspice User Group has a freely downloadable LM386 model. Can you switch to LTspice, or perhaps edit the model if necessary to run in Pspice?
i have next project , that is just a sine wave osillator. I need just RC s values !
Not sure if your asking for them but, generally speaking:

Freq= 1/R x C

For instance, with R=100k and C=100nF, freq=100Hz

Side note: there are quite a few "older" ICs for which there are no SIM models, e.g., the LM386 and one I really wanted, the LM567. Some users have made their own but I just breadboarded them - much easier than trying to create the spice models, at least for me.
I know it but these values are not true ! I cant find values that make a sine wave. all of these waves are triangle or dc !
I know it but these values are not true ! I cant find values that make a sine wave. all of these waves are triangle or dc !
The RC formula I gave you sets the frequency of the oscillations, not the shape. A seperate RC (plus the LM386 circuit you choose) confiuration determines the wave shape.

Google "OpAmp" sine, square, sawtooth, etc. wave generator schematics.
Don't expect a 741 to perform well. It has very limited bandwidth and considerable distortion. Ask AudioGuru .
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