Audio Amplifier LA4628

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Wow! Someone tried this on me a couple years ago. They said the customer refused delievery, and the boss told them to "just get rid of them." I didn't know if it was a scam or not, but I walked. Someting just didn't smell right.
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Here it is the PCB of Audio Amplifier LA4628 IC as per the datasheet. It is 100% correct ! Please no comments !

Thank you !
After reading the full thread thus far, I have come to the conclusion this is a thread that has no value at all and should be deleted..
ET/NG over to you...
Many amps are sold stating that they have thousands of watts of power, when they can barely make 100watts RMS.

I think this 1000Watts is rather a magical figure figured out by a cunning seller on ebay

Difference between 2500 and 3000Watts is just a couple of bucks only...but 500Watts more action packed juice inside that'll take you to another world of extra-ordinary audiophile experience
Most cheap amplifier and speaker manufacturers lie about power. I call it Whats instead of Watts.

They say Peak or Maximum power that is the RMS output power number doubled.
They say Music Power that is for only a moment before the power supply voltage sags or before the output transistors melt.
They say the output power when the distortion is very high so that the output is a square wave producing double the power of a sine-wave or music at the clipping level.
Difference between 2500 and 3000Watts is just a couple of bucks only...but 500Watts more action packed juice inside that'll take you to another world of extra-ordinary audiophile experience
Not Realy, After a few thousnd watts you need to make big jumps in power to make even a small audible difference. So you may not even be able to tell the difference between 2500 watts and 3000 watts. Andy
Your hearing's response to loudness is logarithmic so you can hear a pin drop in the next room and hear extremely loud sounds. So double the power (+3dB) makes the sound only a little louder. 10 times the power sounds twice as loud.
audioguru; Thanks for the numbers. I could not remember them. Andy
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