Audio Delay Generator

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New Member
I have some problem with my project and hope can get some recommendation and advice here.

I'm currently doing a audio delay circuit which I use PT2399 to generate delay to my sound input - I use the surround/delay application circuit from the datasheet.

For amplifier part I am using LM386. At the mic input part I'm using the low distortion wienbridge oscillator circuit, at the speaker output part I'm using the amplifier with gain circuit. (both circuits are from the LM386 datasheet)

When I test each circuit seperately/independently, they all working fine.
But once I combine them together, I get no output.

Checking with oscilloscope, I can still get output before the signal get into the delay circuit but no more output after the delay circuit (or the signal too small till I cannot see?).

May I know how should I deal with this problem?
any recommendation for my input and output amplifier??

Thank you.
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