audio record/re-record/playback, motion activated, battery-powered, analogue UI

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New Member
have little to no electronics or programming knowledge.
want to design and build device with following parameters:

*records/rerecords 8 32-second-long, mid- to CD-quality, single- or dual-channel audio recordings

*8 buttons, each corresponding to one partition of the memory. press to record. 'recording' indicator light

*motion sensor activates playback of a recording at random (for instance when someone walks past the device within 4m)

*battery powered, longest life plausible

*complete device about the size of a cigarette box, smaller is better

*serial production in mind, simple is better, cheaper is better

hardware suggestions, code resources, "getting started" advice, and possible in-depth collaboration are all welcome an appreciated.

That's very ambitious if you 'have little to no electronics or programming knowledge.' I think the best starting point would be to read up about the individual features you've listed then come back with some more detailed questions about any feature you need help with.
found this chip

product page:
data sheet:

it appears to have all desired function (with exception of playback from random address, but that is fine for now).
however, the data sheet states it is configured to operate as a slave device with a microcontroller serial peripheral interface. does this mean that it necessarily requires a microcontroller in order to operate, or can it operate independently?
does this mean that it necessarily requires a microcontroller in order to operate
Either that or a whole room full of discrete logic and other electronic components
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