Audioguru is still alive

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Get well soon. Hope it's not one of those third world ECGs that some student built with a LM741
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what is this Bill? is it ecg
by the way long live audio guru your work still not end in here
knowladge can buy but experience can't that's why we want you

All the Best and wish a speedy recovery AudioGURU
what is this Bill? is it ecg
by the way long live audio guru your work still not end in here
knowladge can buy but experience can't that's why we want you

Yep it's supposed to be an EKG, found it with a Google search.

It's #3 in uninspired student projects.

2 GSM to whatever using AT commands
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Glad you didn't do the big quack, or 'the funky duck.'

No more lard gravy from KFC, OK?

I haven't had much time on here lately and just noticed this thread.
It was very good timing to have my arteries fixed. It is spring time now.
The grass is green and the trees have leaves.
There are birds and squirrels all over the place.
And I feel young and strong again.
Good News

Its good to see you back old man. I was wondering why you wernt around lately.
Take care of yourself...we need more fellow Canadians like you around...for your experience, and good-natured replies.
We ll look forward to chatting with you for many many years to come.
Holy Crap...62 is pretty old tho.......damn near ancient you old fart!

Keep away from the damned squirrels as well....
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Welcome back audioguru!

I think all regular members here should give their next of kin their passwords (if they want) so if something bad happens to them, they can announce it here.

I would like everyone here to be told when I snuff it, I don't know about everyone else.
I would like everyone here to be told when I snuff it, I don't know about everyone else.

Yes, we'd all like to hear that you'd snuffed it

Or perhaps that wasn't 'quite' what you meant?

I know what you mean though, it would be nice not to be wondering what had happened to a particular member.
I think all regular members here should give their next of kin their passwords (if they want) so if something bad happens to them, they can announce it here.

I would like everyone here to be told when I snuff it, I don't know about everyone else.

I think that's a great idea. Some of us tend to spend quite a lot of time on this forum and other forums too. We get used to seeing regular members either posting frequently, or not posting that much but still highlighted in the "Currently active users" list.

When a sudden (negative) change to forum activity occurs, people tend to be left wondering whether a member has simply gone on holiday (vacation), left the forum, or something worse...

A prolific posters' absence usually gets noticed quite quickly, but there are countless members who post infrequently, who still have something valuable to offer to others. These members may take a little longer to get noticed as missing, but they have still made their mark within the forum and those they have helped may like to offer a gesture of thanks and respect, if the worst happens.

In addition to notifying the members, a great deal of satisfaction could be brought to the family members looking back over old posts etc, actually seeing how the person has not just been sat at the PC 'surfing', but passing on what they have learnt throughout their life to others.

Glad we're not having to do this right now, but it's quite likely we may have to do so in the future.

I'll have mine in an unsealed envelope, left in close proximity to my PC, along with instructions...

Regards to all.
id let y'all know when I kick it...but the subsiquent gigantic party would probibly kill several members with sheer joy. You cant croak yet Audio...I still havnt bought you a coffee at Tim's (a Canadian religious temple)
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I think I am lucky to still be kicking and croaking.
If I had my heart attack while riding my bicycle far from home or even out walking my dog far from home then maybe I wouldn't be kicking anymore. I was lucky to be at home and the hospital is a short drive away.
Ag seems to have vanished again, has anyone heard anything. Hope he is okay...
I am fine.
I went to my doctor yesterday for the first checkup after my heart attack and heart operations.
There were 12 other patients there with many more arriving and I was the healthiest one so I had to wait.
My heart measured perfectly.
I am fine.
I went to my doctor yesterday for the first checkup after my heart attack and heart operations.
There were 12 other patients there with many more arriving and I was the healthiest one so I had to wait.
My heart measured perfectly.

Advice from an older guy. **broken link removed**

agu, everything in moderation, switch off the damned computer and get more fresh air and exercise.

Bit of light reading for you:**broken link removed**


    2.9 MB · Views: 158
Advice from an older guy. **broken link removed**

agu, everything in moderation, switch off the damned computer and get more fresh air and exercise.

Bit of light reading for you:**broken link removed**

Wow... that's a fantastic book. Thanks for posting.

Oh... and glad to see you doing better AG. Now quit eating gravy.
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I am fine.
I went to my doctor yesterday for the first checkup after my heart attack and heart operations.
There were 12 other patients there with many more arriving and I was the healthiest one so I had to wait.
My heart measured perfectly.

Nice AudioGURU. Now we need to maintain these nice measurements. Perhaps the Doc would have already gien enough suggestions and indications for maintenance and may be for few months you need to take few tablets etc.
we need to eat some schematics and chip also besides medication.
As I feel that maintains our health. So you may have to be a round a known socienty and perhaps your grands who will amuse you to good health.
They're almost certain to recommend asprin therapy, my father got put on blood thinners, but he had a deep vein thrombosis in his leg, and it took till his second heart attack to find the *******, his second heart attack wasn't even his fault the nitro they gave him on the way to the hospital actually set it off.
Now I take one baby asprin per day, a huge anti-cholesterol pill, a pill to reduce blood clotting and two pills to reduce my blood pressure.
I carry a nitro-glycerine spray with me but never used it. I wore a nitro-glycerine patch in the hospital.
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