Automatic polarity switch help

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New Member
I am designing a circuit to operate an electrochemical pool chlorinator. It passes electricity through salt water via two electrodes to release chlorine from the sodium chloride. In this case ~24VDC @ 40A Max.

What I would like to do is have the polarity automatically reversed at the electrodes on every other cycle so that during one operating cycle an electrode is carrying a positive charge and on the next cycle that same electrode would carry a negative charge. This will prevent minerals from building up deposits on the electrodes.

I have no formal education in electronics, all I know I picked up on the internet, so the simpler the better. The thumbnail below is to a schematic of what I have so far; a regulated power supply and a high current pulse width modulator to control the amount of chlorine generated. R13 is the load.

Any help I can get is greatly appreciated.


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