automatic transmitting audio

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New Member
i am working on a little side project where i need til to transmit recorded audio out on a radio.
it needs to be small since i am going to connect it to a handheld radio. and therefore it needs to have its own powersuply.
the plan is that i am going to connect a mp3 player to the radio. i just need the interface to between the radio and the mp3 player, my plan is to overlay a tone on the audio to tell the interface when to punch the radio.

the problem is that i am out of ideas of how to do this
An AM radio or an FM radio?
What is the distance between the transmitter and the radio?
Nothing connects to the radio. The transmitter connects to the MP3 player and the tone generator.

What will transmitting a tone do?
Why will you "punch" the radio?
my problem is not the radio and its connection. or the reach of the radio.
but since you ask its an old army style radio. the distance varies depending on the circumstances.
i am trying to make a new style of fox hunting, where the fox sends more than just tones.

the idea with the tone was that maybee i could use it to tell the electronic that i am trying to make when the radio should transmit. so that the mp3 player could play continous but the radio only transmits when there is audio.

"punch" is just my poor translation
okay what i need to build is a box to go between a radio and an mp3 player. so that the radio transmits when ever there is some audio played from the mp3 player.
the radio type is irellevant so is the mp3 player.
He wants an RF transmitter audioguru. His english is pretty bad. You can purchase such units for a few dollars off the net, to try to build one yourself is a waste of time unless you have an interest in electronics. What you need to attach to THAT is the VOX circuit that audioguru mentioned. Which is a bit more complicated, and considering the difficulties in getting your basic point across will not be possible.
He said he has an old army radio that is probably a walkie-talkie that transmits and receives.
Why do peoiple who cannot speeky zee English come here instead of to a forum in their country in their own language???
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