AVR Code for Dividing 32-Bit Register by 8-Bit Register

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Although my new codes of fast divisions may interest those who write in assembly only, I will end this topic by the following one.

In writing the code for an RMS current/voltage meter, I had to deal with big dividends (up to 32 bits) but the divisors could be from 160 to 223 only. So, I used the assembly code presented on the previous thread, “AVR Code for Dividing 32-Bit Register by 24-Bit Constant” after I added to it a table (as I did for the code on the thread “Fast AVR Code for Dividing 16-Bit Register by 8-Bit Register”). In this special case the table size is 256 bytes.


  • Fast Division of 32-bit register by 8-bit register with rounding.txt
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