Avr & Max485

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New Member

I am trying my two AVRs to communicate with each other through Max485.
One Avr is Tx and the other is Rx (Simplex mode).Dont need two way communication.But I have some confusions and questions i.e.
1- I can get data on A pin of Max485 connected to Tx Avr.But no data on RO pin on RX Avr.
2- Do i really need B pin to be hooked to B of other Max485.

Power supply is 5V. and i am using separate batteries on each side of Avr and MAX485.
As i dont need two way communication, I have connected RE/DE of U1 to 5V and RE/DE of U4 to GND,for Transmit enable and receive enable respectively.
schematic is attached.


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I want to purchase a Avr kit and Universal Progrrammer............. plz send me the price n from where I can buy them
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