Awsom DIY temp controlled soldering iron

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Well-Known Member
This idea came from over at PCB heaven (pretty good site, lots of info
PCB Heaven
Its a Temp controlled soldering iron with temp feedback.
Am going to build as my wife won't buy me a $75+ soldering iron
The orginal schematic had some minor errors so I THINK I corrected most if not all.
Appreciate any corrections etc before I etch a PCboard.
Oh yea Maxium has FREE samples of the MAX6675 chip
Thermocouple from Ebay
hopefully build for under $20
The artical has hex etc files.


  • temp soldering iron.PNG
    46 KB · Views: 3,911
Already have iron, LCD =$6, PIC = $3 Max6675 FREE SAMPLE
case = old computer power supply
Have sockets, ribbon cable, Triac / opti coupler left over from computer xmas lights
Projected cost to complete (needed parts to purchase) $20 or so.
Am going to build as my wife won't buy me a $75+ soldering iron

Have you considered to get a job to pay your own expenses? In few months you could even afford as scope and maybe a frequency analyzer...
Am retired. All my woodworking tools and electronic "lab" are bought and paid for with side jobs over the years.
I never used household $$$ for my hobbies.
Am retired. All my woodworking tools and electronic "lab" are bought and paid for with side jobs over the years.
I never used household $$$ for my hobbies.

Sorry MrDeb

My text failed to convey a friendly attitude. Far from me to make fun of you or anyone else here!!! I wonder what I would do the day I retire (not too far myself, maybe this year).

In my case I had to count every $ quite carefully to buy anything.

For my first multimeter (Simpson with mirrored scale) it took me almost one year to collect the money.

Wish I win some lotto to buy few more things. (Like a Mercedes C 200 to come to my lab...)
If you want to buy some stock - look at FMETF
this is a mining stock that is going to actually start mining in 2011.
Mining for WHAT you ask? COLBALT
only other place COLBALT is mined is Africa.
WHAT is COLBALT used in = Batteries, electric cars etc.
stock is at .93 this morning
Most of the equiptment, machenery etc. are sitting in a wharhouse in Salmon waiting to be installed. The company is presently clearing land etc.
Samples show that the deposit is very rich in colbalt.
Where are you going to buy the handle element and tips.
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