Barometric / Atmospheric Pressure Sensor

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I am currently using SCP1000 and it is a great sensor, low power consumption, great resolution (19 bit, 1.5Pa resolution) but it is "expensive" (50+ US$).

Is there a "cheaper" absolute pressure sensor out there (10Pa resolution is more then enough, even 50Pa will do)? I googled for some time but found nothing
Nope. I've looked and the rest cost $50+. Usually $75+
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I really hoped there's a cheaper but less precise one .. 1.5Pa is not the resolution I need and was unable to find anything else ... I got the breakout board from sparkfun for 55$ + shipping/tax/customs.

Thanks anyway, this one is easy to use, it has temp sensor as well so it is fairly cool device (only - expensive - not that 50$ is too much, just, 50$ for a 2x2mm sensor is too much)
mike I love you man

they do exactly what I need, for 5$ and they are i2c (I like i2c much more then spi)

thanks thanks thanks thanks .. ordering bunch of them immediately
You should have a good look around their site as they tend to be cheaper than most other places. They can however take a long time to deliver and so be prepared to wait.

Mike, I live in Belgrade (Serbia), takes 2-3 weeks to order something from usa anyhow, I'm used to waiting... The only problem is with those who do not want to ship here, and with regards to this not being my job but hobby, the time is not the issue , I can always do something else while waiting for something to arrive (now for e.g. have bunch of dev tools from olimex to play with msp430 during ny/xmass holidays in january)
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