BASIC Compilers for PIC needed (freeware plese)

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The one you mention is good, but only because it has a very good simulator. Also it is just a free trial(you can only start the program 30 times).

As far as I am aware the only basic compiler that is availible is **broken link removed**
which is a lite version supporting only 50 lines of code.
but it does not support the chip that you are looking for.

In proton i get an error mesege wen i try to compile ir.its "ERROR: PIC Compiler not found!"

I cliked in compiler and programer options to automaticly find compiler

why not found?
Found an nother one PIC BASIC II but the damn thing is german (I dont realy know much german) but i think it wod just work
yep i yust found that one.And i think its realy good.

the only limitaon is an 2K hex maximum (il find a way to fool it IF i will ever need more)
Someone Electro said:
yep i yust found that one.And i think its realy good.

the only limitaon is an 2K hex maximum (il find a way to fool it IF i will ever need more)

it isnt a 2K hex maximum. it means a 2K maximum of code lines. thats a totally different thing. you can reach a 2K hex with a lot lesser assembly code lines. there is a slight difference.

if you do something that requires 2000 lines of basic, the actual hex file might exceed 2k.
Picaxe is a small micro that doesnt need compiler or programmer to
be programmed, it comes with a cable and software and can be programmed in basic in minutes, you simply download and your program runs instantly ,if you are creative, this device could
be remarkable at the right hands
I alredy orderd samples of PIC16F88 amd pic18F252

fogot to order an EEPROM (an 2FC512 (512Kbit) one vod take 7years to fill up is a data loger wrote in an 8bit mesurment evry hour)

The PICAxe is a remarkable little device, but as it's an interpreter it's very slow (compared to PIC assembler). Also, as it uses the PIC's internal EEPROM for storage it can only handle fairly small programs.

But they are very good value for money, costing little more than a blank PIC - very popular in schools!.
I think i will stick whith the original PIC (i alredy orderd PIC16F88 for simple stuff an PIC18F252 for complicated stuf)

these bouth PICs can Read/Write in the program since they have 256B of EEPROM i toght i cod write data in the program memory.the PIC18F252 has 32K of program memory(im never going to fill that up whith programs)I had an idea of an data loger.

forgot to order those I2C EEPROMs (up to 512Kbits! :shock: )

I cacualted if an data loger wod write in an 8bit number(mesurment) in the EEPROM(512Kbit)evry hour it wod take 7 years to fill it up(64000 of such numbers cod be stored) (if we staked 8 of those it wod take 56 years to fill up)

dose anybody know a programing software to work whith the programer below (for PIC16F88 and PIC18F252 )


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Someone Electro said:
I think i will stick whith the original PIC (i alredy orderd PIC16F88 for simple stuff an PIC18F252 for complicated stuf)

You may as well, the PICAxe is really only a 'toy', but very useful for what it is!.

dose anybody know a programing software to work whith the programer below (for PIC16F88 and PIC18F252 )

I suggest you try a 'proper' PIC programmer, the P16PRO40 is a good example of parallel port programmers - and cheap and easy to build. The circuit you posted is exceptionally crude, probably the only software which will work with it is that from the designer.

There are a great many designs for PIC programmers out there, but you are aiming to use extremely modern PIC's, and the simple designs you keep looking at probably don't provide software that supports any modern devices.

David Tait is rightly known as 'the father of PIC programmers', almost all parallel port devices are derived from his original programmer - but he stopped all support and work on them many years ago. Notice that the last site you listed is a mirror of the Dontronics site in Australia - Don received permission from David to host a copy of David's website when David discontinued it.
all i want from an programer is:
-writng in memory
-reeding from memory
-erasing memory
-ICSP (I dont want to keep sticking the PIC in and out of the breadbord to do only a minor ajustment in the code)
Someone Electro said:
all i want from an programer is:
-writng in memory
-reeding from memory
-erasing memory
-ICSP (I dont want to keep sticking the PIC in and out of the breadbord to do only a minor ajustment in the code)

You also need the software to support the devices you want to use! - that could be a problem if choosing non-standard hardware.

As for ICSP, personally I never bother - I find it too restricting on the target design, obviously for surface-mount PIC's it would be a different matter
I reed that you can esaly berak pins on the PIC by pluging it in an out (i know how hard an contact can jam in the breadbord)
Someone Electro said:
I reed that you can esaly berak pins on the PIC by pluging it in an out (i know how hard an contact can jam in the breadbord)

For a start I don't use breadboards - never liked them!.

I use veroboard, I fit normal DIL sockets in the veroboard and fit my working PIC's with turned pin sockets - the turned pin socket protects the PIC pins, and because the turned pins are nice and straight they easily push into the DIL sockets on the veroboard. They would work just as well with a breadboard.

In all my years with PIC's I've never damaged a PIC pin, and never even broken a pin on a turned pin socket! (although I have occasionally bent one).
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