.basic to .hex

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I made some alterations on a .bas program which switches a solenoid on and off. Could anyone kindly assit me in converting it to hex


  • PH Controller 2.BAS
    1.4 KB · Views: 267
You have to no what basic the file is Is it pic basic pro there are five or more basic compilers for pic chips I looked at it and it's not swordfish basic.
I compiled with Pic Basic Pro 2.45 and I got 21 errors. Could it be another type of Basic Compiler?


It's mikro basic I think but a link to where he got it would save a lot of guessing
It's mikro basic I think but a link to where he got it would save a lot of guessing
No! I have looked at that already.... There was a cheap java basic knocking around a couple of years back... I'm trying to remember what it was called...
Theres pbp, pic basic , pic basic pro greatcow , p basic which is the stamp and picaxe. And swordfish for 18 f chips
It's Mbasic and it's 10 years old lol have to change to something they still have on the net
I can't find MBasic compiler on the net.... Seems it died ages ago...
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