Basic Understanding of Capacitors

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New Member
I have attached my notes on capacitor basics.
Could anyone have a read over them and let me know if I have understood correctly?

Thanks very much


  • Capacitors.doc
    109.5 KB · Views: 266
Thanks for that one. I just have one question:

Under 'capacitance' you say that voltage flashes between the plates. Why is that? I thought voltage didn't move? Wouldn't the current simply start flowing?
Interesting question. I would have thought the same.
When the voltage applied at the capacitors terminals exceed the breakdown voltage, doesnt the dielectric break down and begin to conduct ?
Under 'capacitance' you say that voltage flashes between the plates. Why is that? I thought voltage didn't move? Wouldn't the current simply start flowing?

Just terminology.
As the voltage rises, the dielectric will breakdown and current will flow between the plates.
If the capacitor has an air dielectric, there will be an observable arc, or spark or flashover between the plates.

only an ideal capacitor will hold its charge indefinitely when taken out of circuit. real capacitors will discharge slowly through the parasitic impedance that is internal to them.
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