Batteries To Wall

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so i went out and got THIS

if i understand correctly i should be able to set it to 6V, and splice the pos&neg
wires just like the AA's i did last night.

any qualms?

all specs are avil on the RS page. please let me know if its a good idea
even though im pretty sure, before i do it.

thanks again everyone =)
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Wow, that is one expensive wallwart. Yeah, just wire it into the red and black wires (+ to + and - to -). The tabs that don't go anywhere just connect the batteries together so the batteries complete the circuit's path. THat happens inside the wall-wart so you can ignore them.
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yah it was actually as much as the swing was.
rape. im glad i didnt buy anything, im just the electrician haha.

anyways thanks everyone for their help, im wiring right now.
will post success or fire when done.
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