I want to create a project where I can charge my Li-Po Battery (3.7v 1000mah) with a Load Sharing and detect when its low energy measuring its voltage with a current sensor INA219 MODULE in a ESP32 microcontroller.
I'm using a step down of 3.3v (LM2596) to power the ESP32, but also in doubt if should connect it directly in the 5v pin.
I'm really new and create this schematic and want to know how I should pass the battery to the sensor and measure its voltage level, its correct this way?
It haves the R shunt (R100) between the Vin+ and Vin-, his schematic:
The R5 is what you are refering as missing, correct?
Because its not in the INA219 chip datasheet, but there is a module of adatafruit with it, and what I'm using.
If its not what its refering, please let me know so I can fix it.