Battery Powered Heater, can it be done ?

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Himesh Perera

New Member
Can anyone tell me how much of a battery is needed to power up a 2000W heater and run for at least 8 hours, and the battery should be rechargeable.
1500Ah for 12V batteries.

450kg/1000 lbs for lead acid. Which is about $4000 worth. You'll need a truck to drive it around, but you'll be better off using the truck to haul around that same weight gasoline around and using it to run the engine which will run much much longer than 8 hours. Or just idle the engine on the pickup with its normal tank which it can do for more than 8 hours.

Use fuel, not batteries. Practically any exothermic chemical reaction is more efficient. If you need clean burning then use the CORRECT alcohol as a fuel. There are multiple types and some aren't good to burn.
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A car battery (12v 100Ah) holds about 1 kWh so you need at least 16.

A car battery (12v 100Ah) holds about 1 kWh so you need at least 16.

You sure about that? The 12V lead-acids I found specified for 100Ah weighed quite a bit more than a normal car battery.
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I use 1kWh per car battery as a "rule of thumb". A good way to visualize the 16kWh required.

To embellish the point made by dknguyen, 2kW is about the same heat as is produced by 40 1" candle flames. Consider how small and lightweight 8 hours worth of that might be, compared to almost 1000 pounds of lead-acid batteries, to say nothing of the cost!

You could use LiFePO4 batteries to reduce the weight to around 400 pounds at a cost of ≈$24,000.
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For portable heating, few things are better than a propane-fueled heater.
Clean burning, portable, easy to store, reasonably priced..........
The simple honest answer to the thread title is NO - while it's not impossible, it's seriously impractical on ever level.
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