I don't want to sit through the YouTube video, but is this an application where you will be walking around with the view finder or in a fixed location where you can plug it into a wall?
If it is fixed, you can get an 8 volt power supply, problem solved.
If it is not, I'd be more inclined to run it off of 5 AAA batteries. You should get somewhere between 7.5 and 8 volts out of them fresh. The worst that can happen is your equipment is underpowered and won't work. Overpowering it is an unknown variable and without knowing the circuit design I wouldn't take the risk. Most likely, it would work, but you very well might overpower some components and eventually damage them from excessive heat.
Edit. Then of course, as Mike has done the math, if the current draw is too much you'll suck the battery "dry" pretty quick.