Battery with a feedback mechanism

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New Member
I am a novice in electronics. But I need to know if there is anything in the market tha I can use to charge a 12v battery while at the same time using the battery. something that works like an alternator in a car
A battery buffered circuit won't be a disadvantage.

Charging the battery while operating any circuit powered by the battery should not harm the battery as long as it is not being overcharged.

While using the battery when being charged it's voltage will drop and give false charge information to the charge controller.

Just keep the maximum charge voltage within safe limits.

Feedback battery circuit

thanks boncuk,

this what I actually need. connect an appliance to a dc/ac inverter and the inverter to a 12V battery. The same battery needs to be charged at the same time with no power from the wall outlet (AC) involved. the aim is to lengthened the life span of the battery while continously using the battery.

Are you planning to run the battery charger, from the inverter attached to the battery you are charging? Energy ain't free. There are a bunch of tin foil hat wearing folks on the web, that swear it's out there (must be way out there...).

To be serious though... I read this thread, as I have a similar interest. Going to be adding about 33 watts of solar panels to my array. Mostly I'm going to light my house completely from solar. Mostly CFL, few LEDs (little too directional). Have to see how much battery I can charge in a day, and how much surplus I can afford to use during the day.
All you really have to do is apply a slightly higher voltage to the battery than the battery float voltage, and it will charge.

The same battery needs to be charged at the same time with no power from the wall outlet (AC) involved. the aim is to lengthened the life span of the battery while continously using the battery.

Where is the power coming from to charge the battery? Wind? Solar? Or are you trying to make a gods damned perpetual motion machine?
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