Be afraid, be very afraid.

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Behold, I have spawned!

He's 7 weeks early, and doing very well. Apparently my eagerness and often misadventure prone impulsive posts have rubbed off on the little one even before birth and he decided to jump the gun; much to the surprise of his mother and me as she will be having the baby shower AFTER the baby is born. However she will have her first mother's day with my born son a whole year early (I consider her son mine so it's not really her first mother's day)

When he gets cleared to come home from the NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit) my post frequency will likely drop to 1% of it's current volume, but I also hope it continues to increase in relevance.

If his disposition leans him towards me as much as his looks you'll be seeing him here on the forums in 8 years or so if the place is still around and he has the same curiosity and desire to learn as me.

This forum has been an obscure, tiny little, and yet important part of my life for many years now, and I thought I'd just share a bit of my life with you all.
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Congrats! I had one 3 months ago - my first (I was about 5 years too late to see my step daughter born). 7 weeks is pretty early, does he have any complications due to being premature? I wish you the best of luck raising your little one, it will be fun!
7 weeks actually is not that early. The mortality/morbidity rates especially with increased monitoring and medical technology now is so high it's not quantifiable, my personal estimate is he has a 99.9% chance or better overall.. Given the Hospital he was born in is one of the best in the country he'll be just fine.

My heart goes out to the woman we ran into on the way out of the ICU that had just lost her grand child...

We lost my first son early on in the year, I'm more worried and thinking of how I can help the people I've run into than the actual increase risks my son has. But I'm monitoring it all very closely. It's a lot to take in, especially a month and a half earlier than you were prepared to deal with it.

All I feel right now is love, and a grand desire to try to do better, for him, if I have to better my self in the process so be it, I just want what is best for everyone altogether, and trying to focus while diffusing on how to do that best.

The next few years are going to develop me more than my son I think. I hope the growth will reflect in him mentally more than physically.
Congratulations, hope mum and son are both doing well. Enjoy him whilst you can, they grow up incredibly fast. My last spawning was 19 years ago and so all mine have well and truly flown the nest.

Pommie, I will be happy with one month, or even year, thank you earnestly for your perception.
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G'Day Scad's,
Well first mate congrats It has been a while since we had that great chat and man have you moved on. I have showed my family the baby pic's and we all wish you the best for your new addition to your family.

Regards Bryan
Congratulations big time to you and the new mom. Absolutely adorable baby but I am sure you and mom knew that.

Yeah, as I recall they do tend to keep you busy. My first was over 40 years ago and my last was about 30 years ago. As great as kids are just wait til he gives you and mom the grandchildren.

Again, best to you and mom.

Yes, congratulations - 7 weeks prem isn't too big a deal these days.

I was 10 weeks prem back in the mid-50's, it was much more of a problem back then.
Well if this is the lengths you will go to for an excuse to get out of that $20 you owe me so be it.

Congrats anyway!

(No expensive hobbies for you for the next 20 years!)
Well if this is the lengths you will go to for an excuse to get out of that $20 you owe me so be it.

Congrats anyway!

(No expensive hobbies for you for the next 20 years!)

LOL. Look after your little Soldier. What a great little addition.

All the best.
tv tech
Congratulations Scead! He's a good-looking guy

Glad to hear everyone's doing well. Hope everything continues to go smoothly. Thanks for sharing!

Best wishes,
Der Strom
hahahahha, I have not forgotten TCM, don't for one second think I have! The sticker shock from the medical bills is starting to sink in though
Luckily I have all the basic tools for this hobby, and recycling gets me all the real bits I want anyways, I have enough stuff to work on to last me nearly a lifetime outside a few additions here or there.

Andrea (my wife) got discharged today. Egan will be moved to a lower risk pod (group of babies) tomorrow because he's doing so well. The normal ultra busy caos of a newborn baby is somewhat mollified by the two week period he'll be under observation in the hospital, but the Nurses and Doctors have been almost universally helpful with good attitudes as well.

It's been quiet a week; didn't help that when we went to our hospital we were in the same Triage unit that we lost our last son in last year, but as Nigel said premmies especially of his maturation isn't that big a deal nowdays. We were transfered to a different hosptial because ours doesn't have a NICU (neonatal intensive care unit) but everyone there has been fantastic.

Life's a rocking roller coaster, but I'm nothing but smiles right now.
Seriously don't worry about the $20 its better spent by you now. There will come days were that may seem to be the last money you have to yourself anyway.

Consider it a days worth of diaper money up front!.

(Now who's going to be in those diapers by the end of some of those days I wont say.)

Are you still at your same address as before? The wife and I may send you a little something if you are!
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I don't worry TCM, but I do pay my debts, though they are few. I welcome good wishes though! I'm not at the same address, if you'd like I will forward it to you in private, please feel free to post whatever you wish to mail on the forum as I think it humanizes us all to see it in public, much the reason I shared even these few images with you all.

I can safely dodge diaper duty until he's off his IV at the least, possibly until he's off the other monitors as well, I'm an old hand at that anyways, I've a niece and a few nephews under my belt

I have a video I'd like to post here, but I need to figure out how to do so. It's a .3gp file, it went to my Facebook, I think I'll share that video as public and try to embed it.

And here it is, still on Facebook. Please don't stalk me

He is the reason I live and breath now.
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