Be afraid, be very afraid.

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congrats and good luck to the little one.
it looks like i was the only one who wouldn't come out. i was told i one week late...


Wow that's great to hear. Congratulations and good luck with bringing him up.
Is this our first ETO baby ?
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Congrats! Glad to hear everyone is doing well.

My wife and I just had our 2nd a couple weeks ago. 2 girls, hopefully one of them will enjoy tinkering in the garage with me.

And in a few years, we'll have this to worry about.
**broken link removed**
I have the distinct pleasure to announce that Egan's been transferred from the ICU unit at a neighboring hospital after virtually no incident back to our hospital of choice in the special needs unit because he's doing incredibly well. He has been taken off IV fluids for nutrition and is 100% on Mama's milk right now, he'll have the IV removed tonight or tomorrow (one less stinking wire to get caught up in) and as long as he keeps up and improves on his feeding (bottles are ok but not as good straight from Mom) there's a chance he can come home this Friday!

Glad to hear it Scead! Hope it continues to go well
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