Bedtime Pointer tale

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New Member
While trying to get my head around the use of C language pointers, I came up with the following bit of drivel.

Hope it entertains, educates, or something.


* Title:  Scratchpad
* Date:   12/4/09
* Author: AllVol
* Processor:     16F690
* Compiler:    HiTech 
* Studies the use of pointers and addresses
#include <htc.h>
 void waste_time(void)
  unsigned short int t;
   for (t=0; t<=20000; t++){
 void main()
 ANSEL = 0;
 TRISC = 0;
 PORTC = 0;
 while (1){   //    A POINTER TO WEALTH
 int fabulous_wealth;    //Great riches are locked up somewhere.
 int *trusted_courier;    //I will send a favored servant to bring them
 int my_table;      //to my table, for I do not know where to
 fabulous_wealth = 0x09;    //look for the treasure.
 trusted_courier = &fabulous_wealth;  //My man is given the address of the
 my_table = *trusted_courier;  //great fortune and spreads it before me
 PORTC = my_table;     //that I may bask in my wisdom and wealth.
 waste_time();      // forever.....
 PORTC ^=my_table;     //            and......
 waste_time();      //                     ever.
 }       //The  
 }       //   End
Good code needs few comments if you use a little imagination naming the variables and functions.
Some code out of the C30 Compiler User’s Guide:
void __attribute__((boot)) chuck_cookies()
int hurl;
int them = 55;
char *where = "far";
/* ... */
Much more fun in OOP:
class Animal { }
 class Cat extends Animal { }
  class Lolcat extends Cat { }
  class Longcat extends Cat { }
   class Tacgnol extends Longcat { }
 class Pokemon extends Animal { }
 class Human extends Animal { }
  class Trainer extends Human { }
while (Universe.hasMoreSpaceFor(longcat)) {
   longcat.length ++;
for (Cat lolcat : lolcats) {
if (lolcat.isHungry()) {
   if (lolcat.canFind(Cheeseburger.class)) {
      Cheeseburger chezburgr = (Cheeseburger) lolcat.find(Cheeseburger.class);;
   } else {
while (you.hasMoreIdeas()) {
   Idea idea = you.nextIdea();
   if (idea instanceof Lolcat.Idea) {
      Image lolcatimage = you.getSkills(Skill.PHOTOSHOP).makeFromIdea(idea);, Internet.Type.IMAGE);
try {
   Bomb[] bombs = (Bomb[]) you.onHand();
   for (Bomb bomb : bombs) {
      if (you.canFind(Human.class)) {
         Human target = you.find(Human.class);
         you.throwObject(bomb, target);
} catch (ClassCastException e) {
   while (you.canFind(Bomb.class)) {
if (PokemonWorld.inBattle(you)) {
   Pokemon wildPkmn = you.find(Pokemon.class);
   Pokemon yourPkmn = you.getParty().getPokemon("Turtwig").send();
   while (! wildPkmn.getStatus(Pokemon.FAINT)) {
      if (wildPkmn.getHp > 0.5) {
         yourPkmn.useMove("Tackle", wildPkmn);
      } else {
         Object result = ((PokeBall) you.getBag().find("Pok\x00E9 Ball")).throwAt(wildPkmn);
         if (result != null) {
            ((Pokedex) you.getItem("Pok\x00E9dex")).register(wildPkmn);
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LOL...btw , the colours are awesome
Thanks for this

Thanks. Just thought I'd share. Can't see much use for pointers, save for the humongeous program with a crock-pot full of variables, however.

KChristie: LOL. I'm sure there are more than a few instances of "poetic license" found in programs.
Can't see much use for pointers
Pointers are very usefull for passing a refernce to a large variable to a function. Function parameters in C are passed on the stack so if your variable is very large it may not even FIT on the remaining stack space. Plus just passing a 16bit pointer is way quicker than passing 32K of data on the stack.
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