Hi I’ve decided this week I’d like to start learning electronics and I have a few components from a raspberry pi project that never got off the ground so decided to build my first circuit, exciting! Naturally I pulled out a resistor, LED and 9v battery, classic. Revelling in my “current” success (get it?) I thought I’d be clever and increase the resistance so this light was off then add an LDR to the circuit in parallel to the resistor expecting the light to get brighter when I cover the LDR, disappointment ensued.
My understanding is; if I add more resistors in series the total resistance increases but if I add more resistors in parallel the total resistance decreases.
My theory was; adding the LDR in parallel then covering it up would increase the resistance value of the LDR in turn decreasing the total resistance in the circuit and lighting up the LED
What happened was; the exact opposite
My question; where did I got wrong? Does the LDR behave differently from other resistors (aside from the light dependant part)? I have seen another circuit with a transistor involved why does this need to be added?
any help would be much appreciated, thanks,