beginner/starter question automating input/output

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I am trying to start on a project and am wondering if I'll be able to automate it. Hoping I came to the right place.

The project consists of 6 input lines from a vehicle (12 volt, maybe 10-15 amps) and 6 output lines. The overall idea is that each of the input lines should be able to connect to any one (but only one) of the output lines and provide full voltage/amps across the circuit. The correct input/output lines will generally change each time the unit is hooked up.

Currently I have it laid out that I can manually test which input should be hooked up to which output by physically completing the circuit to each output line, verifying the correct output is activated, and fastening the circuit.

What I want to end up with is a button switch at each input, such that I can press the button up to 6 times, and each time it will connect to a different output line. Once the correct output is verified, i would press the second button, to connect to one of the 5 remaining outputs, and so on.

My question (somewhat embarassingly) is how would I get started? Would there be an integrated circuit that might support some of this functionality? Are there integrated circuits that are able to handle this combination of voltage/amps?

Thanks for your consideration
You get started by explaining what you are trying to achieve rather than how you think it should be done.

Fair enough

What I'm trying to do is tie into a vehicle wiring harness as input lines (tail lights, blinkers, reverse and ground) and match up to existing output lines (on a trailer, for example). I can easily do this by physically touching the wires together, verifying the blinkers light up on the input and output side for example, and fastening them together.

The problem is, when moving to a separate set of output lines, the sequence isn't known, so it's a trial and error process. What I'm hoping to do is replace this process with something less mechanical.

A specific issue I didn't mention is the input ground, which wouldn't be immediately identifiable, but I assume would have to be verified before the rest of the circuits could be completed. I assumed this would be something i would work on down the line a bit, but I suppose it might have an impact on the feasibility of the over project.

My apologies for the initially vague post.

Thanks again,
Multiple thread starts are irritating man !, this has been mentioned here recently.

Sorry, I thought those particular capabilities of an IC were specific enough that they didn't entirely overlap this general project, though it should have been a follow-up question within this thread, of course. Thanks for the guidance, aside from this.
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As I suspected, the chip doesn't have to carry the current. It has to look at several inputs and switch several outputs. This could be done but I fail to see the usefulness of such a device. Why not just wire the car/trailer correctly in the first place? This is why there are standards.

I use a micro controller (uC) for most everything.

Have the uC detect the voltage levels for lights, brakes, and turn signals on the car.

Do not power the trailer lights from the light circuits on the car. Have the uC control the flow of current from the battery to each of the trailer light circuits. Could be as simple as relays.

Use a simple interface to program the mapping between car/truck and trailer.

In use the uC would turn on the mapped trailer light when the coresponding light on the car was on.

Now all you need is a schematic and code

If this were my project I would add current sensing to each trailer circuit. If the current went too high the circuit would be turned off and the problem indicated on the UI. Even better would be a setup that checked for the fault condition and re-enable that circuit if the fault went away. You could also use self reseting breakers.
The self resetting relays sounds like a nice option.

The reason i don't just wire the car/trailer directly is because in many cases the trailer is initially wired for a specific vehicle which may/may not have been wired correctly. Most of the usefulness of this device comes from when we need to borrow or a trailer from, or loan one out to, someone else. Rewiring their trailer to standards might be the 'right' way to go about it, but it's not really an option as it would often be wired incorrectly for their original application (plus, rewiring a trailer at 20 below is what i'm trying to avoid in the first place).

In general, there is already a harness that goes between the vehicle and the trailer which, if wired correctly, delivers power directly from the taillight circuit on the vehicle to the taillight circuit on the trailer. it's this harness that i'm trying to tap into or adapt, and adding another dedicated power line would be somewhat inconvenient.

Would you happen to have an example of how I might do one or two of the wires, using the input line as both indicator and line voltage to pass through to one of 4 output wires? I'm a little weak on the technical details, but if someone can point me in the right direction, i would be grateful for the help.

Here's a (very) simplified diagram of how I would attempt to do this.

Inputs (3 shown) are on the left and outputs on the right.



  • Trailer.png
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