again thks for help !
The LM386 is a power amplifier, not an opamp.
It does not have filters, it has coupling capacitors that reduce very low frequencies and the LM386 with a gain of 200 has a high frequency response of -3dB at about 50kHz.
your circuit cuts frequencies below 178Hz and above 1.6kHz.
Human voice has frequencies from about 80Hz to about 14kHz.
in "my" circuit r4/c5 - its low pass filter for 1.6khz ?
can I safety change values for other bandwidth ? for sample, if i change r4 to 100R - I have low pass filter with freq 16khz?
and which components for high pass filter: r1/c1 - but it give ~700hz ?
or r1/c1/r2 ? or c1/r2 ?
if c1/r2 - i must use instead 10k - 20k for lower freq 80hz ? but what purpose r1 in this case ?
Your circuit is missing the important 10 ohm resistor in series with a 0.05uF capacitor from its output to ground.
yes , i see this in various samples of use lm386
can I change 0.05uF (0.047) to 0.1uF ? or this value is critical ?
i don't see this component in my local market
The circuits are almost the same except mine has a peak detector diode.
"peak diode" == diode + capacitor 1uF - rightly ?
and i can safety bypass it , if i don't want use peak detect ?
in "my" circuit "-" of lm386 connect to GND, and in You post - some components present -which purpose it ? (some R+C on "-" input of lm386")
47kOm/1kOm - voltage divisor for 0.1v
22uF - "total" capacitor for power
100uF/1kOm - power filter
right ?