Best Circuit Design/Emulator software

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Well, I've been drawing schematics by hand for a long time now. Finally, my brain told me I should be looking into one of those circuit design software packages. Can anyone point me in the right direction of getting a good software package. Thanks

Hi :lol:

If you need some programs for free, I'll say ExpressPCB or PSpice

ExpressPCB =
Advantages - Easy to use and learn
Disadvantages - Not as beautiful as other programs

PSpice by Orcad = **broken link removed**
Advantages - Makes good simulations (AC Sweep, bias), is used by the big companies like Philips
Disadvantages - Hard to learn while it has that many functions

Good luck in your searching
Just reply, if you thought of something else

Electronics, what more to say, the best
windozeuser said:
Well, I've been drawing schematics by hand for a long time now. Finally, my brain told me I should be looking into one of those circuit design software packages. Can anyone point me in the right direction of getting a good software package. Thanks
Some of us here use Linear Technology's SwitcherCAD III, which allows you to draw schematics, and simulate them if you are familiar with Spice (the learning curve is steep). It does not have a PC board layout utility. The good news is it's free, and is not castrated like most Spice demo programs.
windozeuser said:
Well, I've been drawing schematics by hand for a long time now. Finally, my brain told me I should be looking into one of those circuit design software packages. Can anyone point me in the right direction of getting a good software package. Thanks

Eagle PCB. Really great stuff, autorouter and everything. The lite edition you can download from them just has a limited board size.
zachtheterrible said:
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But a friendly moderator may come along and delete them for you :lol:
A number of softwares have been listed above. For simulations(analog) use SiwtcherCADIII Linear Technology - Design Simulation and Device Models

For PCB Layout Eagle is the easiest

For complete systems i use Proteus(unlicensed doesnt simulate).

I have heard they have made Multisim a lot better(including uc support also) but i am happy with proteus.Heres there link to a 30 day trial version.
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