Best electonics forum in the world....

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Well-Known Member
Most Helpful Member
I never actually believed I would ever say this....

I have been a member of many. There are some that cause chaos with stupid suggestions. Useless rubbish I want no part of.

Then there are others that suck you dry for information.

Then there is ElectroTech. Stands out head and shoulders above anything else out there.
Reliable info all the way. I like the site's stability with only accurate information being passed out to people.

This site has some VERY qualified people that simply share the facts/experiences of doing things PROPERLY.

I like and am really proud to be a member of this great Forum.

Thank You
TV Tech
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Aah. No response.

Ja well, should not brag. Just thought it was pertinent to point if ETO members don't know it already. Sigh.

The net is a strange place. More hits = more traffic.

Tried driving more traffic....silly me . Apparently, ETO is the best kept secret on the NET. What a pity when it could help many more out there.....

TV Tech
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I second that, this is one of the BEST forums on the web with very helpful members

Merry Christmas in advance


Agreed. And thank you Raymond. May you have a Blessed Christmas too for you and your family.

TV Tech
ETO has taught me a lot. Advise given here is good to go. No guessing games ever.

The members give rock solid advise. I wish more could access this Gem of the NET.

TV Tech
My questions are too wierd. My answers, just the same. Who might believe that a bad ground on an outlet in the basement sometimes prevents the TV from turning on and that same bad ground made the phone system die and the tester you used to find it gave you an indication of "reversed polarity" which it isn't. It just turns out that that the "bad" part of the ground is probably through 75' of the shield of the RG-6 coax and is about 15 ohms.
Who might believe that the phone line is connected to the router and to the TV.
Hi tvtech,

It's always great to hear good feedback about the site and I'm sure the 'helpers' appreciate hearing it too. The experience on here does astound me also, there are some brilliant people that help out each day and it's amazing to see.

Merry Christmas!

Hi Guys

Thank you for the Rep. Much appreciated.

The reason for me sticking my neck out is because I truly believe in ETO.

I have seen both the best and worst of what the Internet has to offer in terms of real accurate advise. Hence my post about ETO.

Any old advise is free.....good advise is priceless.

Thank you all.

TV Tech
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Thanks EM...May you have a Blessed Christmas too. And thank you for starting this great site of passing on only accurate info.

TV Tech
I particularly like the fact that if I do a Google search for something related to electronics, with regard to my limited experience, there's usually a hit for ETO if not on the first page, then the closely following ones and I can trust the info within that link.

I visit a couple of other sites also, but this one is always the first to check for new posts as soon as my PC has booted. I try to check in once every day and when I am on vacation, more frequently than that.

It's great to see such a large amount of talented members, from a wide variety of backgrounds, giving freely of their own time to patiently answer sometimes very basic, and other times, rather advanced problems.
It is an interesting comparison: There used to be a lot of different electronics hobbyist magazine titles in the U.S. over the years. At one time, there might be as many as six or seven titles in print. Now there is only one in the U.S. (Nuts & Volts) and it is almost 100% dedicated to processors vs. "discrete" electronics for it's projects. There used to be quite a few electronics forums on the Internet, and there were at least three or four that were very popular and heavily-used. Now, ElectroTech seems to be the only one that remains that is still very active (sometimes almost too active, if that's possible) while the remaining ones are pretty dormant, to the point that you see posts like, "Is anybody still here?" Then on this forum, I see denizens whose post count exceeds 4 or 5 thousand, and I wonder, "Do these guys have a life?" Ah, well .... each to his own.
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There are two electronics hobbists magizines; you forgot Circuit Celler. It's also pretty much dedicated to uC projects. As for real electronics, I can't think of anything. I loved Radio Eledctronics back in the day, and still have some of the old issues around here somewhere. I guess I read my first electronics article in Popular Electronics, not counting my father's Amature Radio magizines.

I do wish there were more active forums on the web dedicated to electronics. Guess ETO just go lucky somehow. I see very few dedicated members on here, and a whole heck of alot of one-time posters, who get help with a single project and is never heard from again.
I've never considered Circuit Cellar to be a general electronics magazine, I guess, with it's emphasis on controllers, processsors and such. It began that way and still is.
And so what make it so different from Nust and Volts? I find N&V just slightly more basicn and CC a little more professionally oriented. Other than that, I don't see a stich of difference between them.
Yes, this IS the place but not THE thread.

Make a fresh post to have your own thread and you could be sure that your question would be much more exposed to a wider group.

Hijacking is not the way.
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