Best Holiday Drinks.

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I'm going to buy some Christmas spirits for my boss. He like Bourbon and enjoys his Manhattans.


1 part bourbon
1 part Sweet vermouth
3 shake bitters

Pour over ice and and then pour out through strainer. Just the mixture.

Anyone have a suggestion armed with this knowledge that would lead me to another drink?



Note* Eggnog is a typical drink for christmas. Besides I'm looking for a mixed drink. Spice Drinks like Apple Cider maybe.

He's from the East Coast and I'm not sure what would be good. I'm from the Midwest.
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I only like one kind of drink:

3 ice cubes in a glass
Pour enough Jack Daniel's to cover ice.

Makes it easy for the local mix master (my girlfriend)
I only like one kind of drink:

3 ice cubes in a glass
Pour enough Jack Daniel's to cover ice.

Makes it easy for the local mix master (my girlfriend)

When you say that "Jack Daniels".

I think a Manhattan tastes like. But that is what my pallet is saying.

I have a guy here who is a "Wine Maker" he works with a friend of mine as an "Aerospace Machinist" he makes a "Jalapeno Wine"

I try to get a bottle every Christmas.

I began thinking what if you put Jalapeno with Bourbon or Jack Danial's. It would be like bitters but, with hot. You wouldn't want over the power of hot so you would want to combo with bitters or Lemon. A couple shakes of lemon and Jalapeno Wine pour through ice. Throw in a cheery for color and top it with a Christmas umbrella.

With it you have Christmas La cheer. O'lay
Well considering 99.9% of yankie beer isn't fit to give to your dog try and get your hands on some James Boags Premium Lager. Unlike the yankie beer where the alchy content is less than our light beer this lager will give ya a nice hit as it is 5% and is one of the sweetest tasting beers around.

Very Good Suggestion. See that's exactly what I'm talking about. Most people like their mixed drinks with some kind of Pop or juice.

Juice ok, but what really kicks is if your mixing with 2 different types of alcohol. Like the vermouth, which is more wine than mixer.

I never thought of mixing beer into a mixed drink. I usually like to shoot and chase with beer, hell when you think about it; most soups were probably created cause the guy making it; said , screw it. I'm gonna just put it all together quick and be done with it.

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I only like one kind of drink:

3 ice cubes in a glass
Pour enough Jack Daniel's to cover ice.

Makes it easy for the local mix master (my girlfriend)

Has my vote along with any good quality scotch or bourbon. Three ice cubes, cover the ice and enjoy!

As to American Beer (AKA Puppy Pee) there are actually some very good micro breweries that produce great seasonal ales. Additionally no beer should be preceded with the word "lite".

Bully! Don't spoil a geat Tennessee sipping whiskey by contaminating it with any "mixers." You may mix, say, Hennesse or some low grade whiskey. But a fine whiskey is best enjoyed in it's purest form.
Bully! Don't spoil a geat Tennessee sipping whiskey by contaminating it with any "mixers." You may mix, say, Hennesse or some low grade whiskey. But a fine whiskey is best enjoyed in it's purest form.

Tell that to a black man from Aaaafrica that will mix anything from liquid cow dung to Pepsi in his fine Whiskey....

All the stolen money in the World and Zero class......

Ask him why he did it.....simple reply.....I was thirsty.

I may have a Winner.

The guy in my shipping and receiving dept had this Christmas Recipe.

Christmas Cocktail:

1. 1 cube of Sugar.
2. Splash of Brandy.
3. 1 Generous Splash of chilled Cranberry Juice.
4. Champagne Chilled.
5. Some Cranberry for color.

The Brandy has to dissolve the Sugar cube in step 2.

What do you think?

The drunken Monkey Walk.

I think you're gonna be one drunk monkey.
2 new years eve's ago I was at a friends house and the wife say's go ahead have a drink. My friend insisted that he mix them and he would just keep the booze outside in the snow cause his fridge wouldn't hold it all.

Well I usually don't do that falling down drunk thing anymore. So, I said (ok) You know the story. He kept bringing drinks; as I kept on talking and drinking and before long...................

My friends seem to think its funny to get this Monkey Drunk.

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That's right--- no one in this world makes quality whiskey like that from the American Appalachian and Smokey Mountains. Anything from Oz or thereabouts is nothing but swampwater.
I landed on a Christmas Drink. Suggested by my Daughter. She didn't like the sound of the Cranberry one.

1. 1 1/2 Oz. Vodka
2. 1 tsp Peppermint Schnapps.

Mix both Ingredients W/Ice in a Shaker.

Strain into a Chilled Cocktail Glass.

Hang a Candy Cane off the edge.

Let the holidays begin! Down visiting my mom and family, kids & grand kids included. Thus far a variety of some great micro brews from Colorado with shots of Jack Black. Damn, I love this holiday routine stuff. Later some good wine and a few cigars tossed in. Life is good!


I like the sound of that. My Boss wants me to Smoke one sometime. But, I got over the smoking habit about 30yrs ago. I can't even be around them :Yuck: they make me sick now.

You can enjoy yours in Colorado hehe. "Happy Holiday to you - Ron"
Yeah baby! Got a cooler full of Amber Bock and a 5th of JD. Heading down to Florida tomorrow for some fun in the sun, inebreation, intoxication, and fornication ( can I say that? ) Bringing my shiney new canoe so I can paddle the mangrove tunnels ( see pic ) I'll have nothing but getting close to nature all day, and getting high all night ( and some sex on the beach, of course! )


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Have a great and safe trip. Enjoy! Hell, treat yourself too. Just drive and be safe.

Have a great and safe trip. Enjoy! Hell, treat yourself too. Just drive and be safe.


Thanks Ron. I hope that you and your family have the best of the holiday season. I'll have my laptop in Fl. so I can check in from time to time.

Merry Christmas.
Thanks Ron. I hope that you and your family have the best of the holiday season. I'll have my laptop in Fl. so I can check in from time to time.

Merry Christmas.

Oh yeah, pics later or it didn't happen!

Laptop? I view it as luggage. It goes where we go.

Ok, it's going to be new years soon. ( Be "responsible" make sure you have a DD )

Anyway, Me and the Wife tried the Vodka and Schnaaps. Not to bad but, you won't drink more than one. Didn't make it over to the bosses house to deliver the party gift. Now I'm going over Sunday.

I became dis-appointed with my Christmas Drink and began looking for idea's that would aid them to another holiday drink. I found this site, all you have to do is enter in the liquor type and it will give you different variations you can do with it.

Cheer's ETO:

The Webtender - Cocktail & Mixed Drink Recipes and Bartending Guide
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