BETA: NAOS (cooperative multitaking) for the PIC12F629

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Coop Build Coordinator
Forum Supporter
NAOS was originally written as part of a tutorial for teaching cooperative multitasking for the PIC18F1320 (Junebug), Although
it was intended for instruction it works well enough that some have
used it in actual applications.

I was asked by an ETO member to port NAOS to the PIC12F629.
Due to the slower internal clock on the PIC12F629 (4MHz instead of 20MHz) I changed the timer granularity from .1ms to 1ms. Not great for generating sound. I have only tested it using MPLAB SIM so think of it as a beta.

The tutorial an original code are the last tutorial on this page.


  • NAOS_PIC12F629.c
    6.2 KB · Views: 414
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When this forum got new software awhile back, some old stuff was lost and was not recoverable. The code link in 3V0's post works. Have you tried reaching him at Zombie Engines (link given above)?
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