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i'am usally pretty good at finding eqivelant transistors but i've got stumped one this one.does anyone know a north american eqivelant for a bf450 and a bfr93
bbarney said:
i'am usally pretty good at finding eqivelant transistors but i've got stumped one this one.does anyone know a north american eqivelant for a bf450 and a bfr93
For BF450 I think u can use a 2N4403.
For BFR93 (or BFR91 BTW)......Realy can't u buy that type?
In Europe (especialy BFR91) are quite common. I'm sure you'l find a suplier in Canada.
your right I made a typo and meant BFR91
I really was after the BF450 and was trying to remember the other one from memory which ain't sp good
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