Since you were not present at that time, you cannot aver that with certainty. What you do know for certain is that the universe was created, and that takes a Creator. Nothing comes into existence by itself. Many folks go off track when they try to use science to explain how the universe was created. Science can explain how the universe operates, but not how it was made. That question is completely outside of what science is capable of doing, or even beyond human comprehension. So would any verbal or written description be inadequate.
Your faith or beliefs, and what others think of you are irrelevant with respect to the existence of the universe, and how it came into being.
"In Gen 1: 6, if you research the word translated, "firmament", you'll find out that the literal meaning in the Hebrew language is, "a separation of plates". Of course we now call it, Plate Tectonics. "
Then, how does that jive with Psalm 19:1 KJV The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork ? I interpret "firmament" to be a noun depicting solid mass, not a verb describing plantetary upheavals.