Big goodbye to Newsman Mike Wallace

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Well-Known Member
60 minutes will never be the same, with the loss of Andy Rooney and Mike Wallace.

Myron Leon "Mike" Wallace (May 9, 1918 – April 7, 2012) RIP

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It seems all that I grew up with is leaving. Times like this I realize I hate change.
What bugs me most, is the fact as we lose these people, we lose great journalists, and far fewer of their caliber remain. It seems like most of what passes for "news" these days is mainly "fluff", if not outright pandering to one political view or another. I know that there are still true journalists out there, but it feels like the craft is on a downward trend lately. Perhaps that just my impression, and not reality (fortunately we have some great journalists via NPR and my local VVM rag)...
At any rate, we lost one of the good ones... The journalistic torch is being passed on, lets hope the future journalist hold the flame high with the same integrity and honor that their predecessors did.

In honor of Mr. Wallace.

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