Big program size absurdity

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jhanus said:
Exactly what I was looking for, thanks.

Is there a possibility to watch it in MPLAB 'directly' after it was assembled(like line numbers, but in this case addresses).
Not that I know of, but you can keep the list file on-screen and it will offer to update it for you after you assemble.
jhanus said:
Exactly what I was looking for, thanks.

Is there a possibility to watch it in MPLAB 'directly' after it was assembled(like line numbers, but in this case addresses).

Soapbox on:
Get an ICD with a debugger,
an 16F88 (the 16F628 does not support the debugger but the 16F88 does)
or a 18F1320 (another nice 18pin PIC)

You can then examine every register, single step, modify your entire program. Debuggers are amazing tools.

For FREE you can use the simulator for the 16F628 but where's the fun
blueroomelectronics said:
Soapbox on:
Get an ICD with a debugger,
Hey Bill, I've been using the MPLAB/Junebug/Inchworm+ debugger a lot lately (finally learned how) and it's terrific. Very helpful for finding out "what the hell went wrong?"
futz said:
Hey Bill, I've been using the MPLAB/Junebug/Inchworm+ debugger a lot lately (finally learned how) and it's terrific. Very helpful for finding out "what the hell went wrong?"
I had the luxury of an ICE (In Circuit Emulator) when I was working with PICs for the company I was with. They are amazing tools and extremly fast at single stepping as they use special and expensive bondout versions of the PICs they are emulating.
I don't miss it now I have a debugger, and USB is plenty fast (the ICE was RS232 but still really fast).
**broken link removed**
Tech-Tools Clearview Mathias ICE
jhanus said:
Is there a possibility to watch it in MPLAB 'directly' after it was assembled(like line numbers, but in this case addresses).

You can click "view" and then "Disassembly Listing" or "Program Memory" in MPLAB.
kchriste said:
You can click "view" and then "Disassembly Listing" or "Program Memory" in MPLAB.

Thanks, again exactly what I needed, I really feel a bit foolish now.
It's amazing how 'long' can a men do something without some things (although I didn't know they existed).
Next step you should try to see if you can load a HEX file and view its disassembled content.
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